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computer shortcut keys | deep learning

🔆Computer Unique and Best Shortcut Key

Unique Computer Keywords Shortcut Keys:-
💻➡️ increase your knowledge⬅️💻

Ctrl+N :- To open a new window🖥️

Ctrl + shift+N :- To create a new folder📂

Alt + 0160 + Enter :-
                       To save a folder without name .
 use : step 1:- Ctrl+shift+N create a new folder and press Alt+0160 and Enter. to save folder without a name.

F2 :-  To folder rename 🗂️

Alt+F4:- close the curretly open or active  program❌

To close all windows altogether( In one go) :-
step 1: press Ctrl+shift+ ESC  open the manager task and press key Ctrl  and  ⬆️or⬇️key select  program. after press key delete.

win+D (windows key + D) :- all program to minimise and after re-pressing  win+D all  tab open.

     ↪️Browser shortcut key🔆:-

Ctrl +shift+N :-open the new incognito mode.

  F12 :- To save the file 📁

 Ctrl+T :-To open new tab 💻.

 Ctrl+H :-To open the History 🎞️.

Ctrl + shift +T:- important tab is by mistake close then after restore a tab.

Ctrl+J:- direct a open download menu⏪.

ctrl +D :-bookmark any page and save ⌨️.

win +⬆️: -windows tab to maximize.

win +⬇️:-windows tab to minimize.

win +➡️:-window tab to the move right side

win +⬅️:-windows tab to the move left side
                                   (win -windown key)

new learne increase your knowledge👍🏻.


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