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what is programing language |learning computer language | Type of computer language

What Is Programming Language:

A programming language is an artificial language that is used when making programs to instruct a computer while doing computer programming, but only programming language is used not to program a computer but to program some machines.  For this, let's know a little more about programming language -
programming language

What is programming language:-

The program is the set of instructions given to the computer. The clearer, detailed and precise the program is, the more smoothly the computer will function, the less mistakes it will make and the more correct answers the programming language can write.  language) requires programming languages

The programming language is divided into three categories based on the level of human understanding (from hard to simple).

machine language:-

Only a computer can understand this language, it is impossible for humans to understand and write programs in it.

machine language

assembly language:-

The assembly language is a computer programming language that uses mnemonic code in place of numerical signals and requires an assembler to convert it to a machine language, but it is different for different microprocessors.

high level language:-

It is very easy to understand by humans, it uses simple English words and is later converted into machine language using a compiler.

There are currently around 2,500 programming languages.Among these C, C ++, Java, JavaScript Pascal, Basic, Fortran etc. are some of the major programming languages.

programming language


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